Goa Ethimo Rug

Goa Ethimo Rug

New product

Goa Ethimo Rug

Goa produced and signed by Ethimo is an outdoor rug entirely handmade in propylene fabric available in different finishes.

  • Blue Indigo
    Blue Indigo
  •  Seaweed Green
    Seaweed Green

Available in 4/5 weeks

Goa Ethimo Rug

Goa produced and signed by Ethimo is an outdoor rug entirely handmade in propylene fabric available in different finishes.

100% Original

All the products from Miliashop are original and they are covered by warranty.

Typology Rug
Construction material Tessuto Propilene.
Length 300 cm
Width 200 cm
Weight 12 kg
Designer Ethimo