Lolla Giorgetti Rug

Lolla Giorgetti Rug

New product

Lolla Giorgetti Rug

Lolla designed for Giorgetti is an outdoor rug made of 100% polypropylene. Available in different finishes and in square, rectangular or circle version. Lolla is realised with materials that satisfies the most rigorous quality standards for outdoor spaces.

Available in 12/13 weeks

Lolla Giorgetti Rug

Lolla designed for Giorgetti is an outdoor rug made of 100% polypropylene. Available in different finishes and in square, rectangular or circle version. Lolla is realised with materials that satisfies the most rigorous quality standards for outdoor spaces.

100% Original

All the products from Miliashop are original and they are covered by warranty.

Designer Giorgetti