Pinocchio Hay Rug

Pinocchio Hay Rug

New product

Pinocchio Hay Rug

Pinocchio designed and produced by Hay is a rug made up of multicolored wool balls handmade in Nepal with traditional craft methods; each is individually rolled, strung on a string and stitched into a circular rug. Available in different dimensions.

Available in 7/8 weeks

Pinocchio Hay Rug

Pinocchio designed and produced by Hay is a rug made up of multicolored wool balls handmade in Nepal with traditional craft methods; each is individually rolled, strung on a string and stitched into a circular rug. Available in different dimensions.

100% Original

All the products from Miliashop are original and they are covered by warranty.

Typology Rug
Dimensions Ø90 cm; Ø140 cm
Diameter Ø 90 cm; Ø 140 cm.
Designer Hay