Etch The Clipper Teesieb Tom Dixon

Versandfertig - Etch The Clipper Teesieb Tom Dixon

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Versandfertig - Etch The Clipper Teesieb Tom Dixon

Etch The Clipper  is a tea strainer designed by Tom Dixon. A stainless steel tea strainer with a minutely etched surface, formed into a neat cone shape. Hung on a metal string with a circular tab, the bottom of the cone delicately slides open for ease of use and cleaning. Use inside a tea pot or for a single cup.




  • Silber

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Versandfertig - Etch The Clipper Teesieb Tom Dixon

Etch The Clipper  is a tea strainer designed by Tom Dixon. A stainless steel tea strainer with a minutely etched surface, formed into a neat cone shape. Hung on a metal string with a circular tab, the bottom of the cone delicately slides open for ease of use and cleaning. Use inside a tea pot or for a single cup.

100% Original

Die auf Miliashop angebotene Produkte sind original und durch Authentizitätszertifikat garantiert.

Höhe 5 cm
Durchmesser 5 cm
Designer Tom Dixon